Check out these cliff diving images:
Freefaller I
Image by *Seth
Freefaller II
Image by *Seth
Image by Fool-On-The-Hill
Originally native to coastal rocky cliffs in Europe, North Africa and much of Asia, this species of Pigeon has adapted to living in cities and town, using buildings instead of cliffs to nest, through out much of the world. Often despised and referred to as "flying rats", they have simply found and empty niche and adapted to it. I think they are one of our prettiest birds,and they bring life and color to an increasingly concrete world. They are also a good snack for Urban Peregrine falcons, despite their extreme speed and agility in flight. They can fly up to 70mph. Also sometimes called a Rock Dove. there really is no difference between a Dove and a Pigeon besides size. Photo taken in Library Square, Salt Lake City Utah.