It Looks Nearly Certain That Manufacturing Is Now In Recession
In the present case, one potential culprit is the "fiscal cliff," which must be factored into business decisions as to ordering and building early next year. Do we really have confidence that this Congress and this President will not repeat the debt …
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The case for jumping off the fiscal cliff
Douglas Elliott doesn't want the United States to jump off the fiscal cliff. But he can imagine Congress reaching a point at which it may be the best of a set of very bad options. (Behrouz Mehri – AFP/Getty Images). “The hardest part of this is …
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Cliff jumping discouraged at lakes; Corps cites decade of injuries, deaths
“We're glad to get Bull Shoals some recognition, but we don't want to encourage it (cliff jumping),” Hiser said. “We know there are spots that people traditionally jump from. The problem is there is no guarantee it will be safe to jump, especially when …
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