Cliff jumping
Image by ccheviron
Cliff jumping in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Football: CU Buffs' Uzo-Diribe looking ahead to future he never thought possible
Even if the NFL is not something that lasts long for me, just to have something help jump-start life after football." Until the NFL comes calling, Uzo-Diribe will focus on trying to lead the Buffs to their first winning season since 2005 — and their …
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Gilbert Town Council ducks international building code adoption vote
Gilbert resident Stephen Stirling, compared adopting the codes with jumping off of a cliff because everyone is doing it. “I see the word 'international,' and it scares me,” Stirling said. “Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sure we want to jump off this …
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Underground zip-line offers chills and thrills at Louisville's Mega Cavern
on August 16, 2013 at 12:07 PM, updated August 16, 2013 at 12:10 PM. View/Post Comments. By Wendy Pramik. LOUISVILLE, Ky. – I'm preparing to jump off a 70-foot cliff into a pit of darkness, or as they like to call it around here, “Hell.” I'm shivering …
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