Get gas, food, and drink first. From Broadway ST. in boulder go west (toward mountains) on baseline rd. this turns steeply into Flagstaff RD. with a lot of switch-backs. Follow through the charred forest till the road turns into Lakeshore DR. and to dirt. It will end in a parking lot, Walk the way you pulled into park, straight a head , or east. Find the trail and hike down to Gross Reservoir (no flip flops, ladies) .The “body contact with water” sign means your there. Get a walking start off, 35-40 foot drop, deep and cold. Pack In – Pack more out …please no littering. Reservoir likely patrolled on weekends in summer (you can hear the boat coming) usually cool if your just not “SEEN” jumping.
THIS JUST IN…6/16/06
Email =
Subject = gross reservoir,tigerlilly
Comments = update on gross reservoir, new recreation staff on site, boulder county sheriff Rangers on patrol 7 days a week, last summer 170 tickets issued at jump rock at $50. a pop, with escalating (that means more) fine structure, Rangers on boat patrol and using stealth land based tactics, you will be ticketed even if wet,depth finder on patrol boat shows depth at jump site of 10?, do the math, jumper attains maximum velocity in first 12? enters water at 33’/second…site has had fatalities and serious injuries, just want users to know patrol and enforcement are more frequent than in past and 0 tolerance for violators. thanks Rick Lewis Lead Ranger Denver Water Gross Reservoi