This is private property and they do and will prosecute trespassers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
This is the powder hole, it’s an old abandoned explosive powder factory. It’s 50 ft tall. it’s near Berwick PA, to get there take 93 East through Nescopeck eventually you’ll come to a green town sign indicating Wapwollopen, make a left at the sign onto River Rd. Eventually route 239 meets up with River Rd. Just continue straight for about 400 yards from this meeting point and you should see space to park on you’re right. Look around for a little hiking trail. Take the 15 minute hike following the creek and you’ll hear the waterfall. When facing the waterfall on the left side there is another trail follow it for about a mile and a half and there is an intense rope swing too. But really dangerous. The area is ok for swimming too. The current of the falls varies drastically as do the water levels but it’s alright to jump all year just expect to touch bottom sometimes. When jumping always go from the yellow cross marked on the trestle and aim for a little ways out in the center.
The powder hole jump is TRESPASSING, but not often enforced and never with serious consequences. This is an update…AAW has been notified from the apparent owner of this property. AAW was told that TRESPASSING on this property will result in prosecution!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! You have to walk out precariously onto the middle of the trestle if you fall before the right spot to jump you’ll probably die or be seriously injured. The area to land in is only like 10 ft wide, but unlemp. In the direction that stump is facing which will swing you around to the safe landing area. jump hard. DO NOT just aim for the deep area and swing. Swim the area first to see for yourself where it’s you’re jumping in a hurricane i doubt you can miss it. And for the rope swing near the powder hole. Out of the maybe 10 times I’ve gone to the powder hole 3 times someones gotten pretty badly injured on the rope swing from releasing too early. Jump from that stu