Question by William N: Where do you cliff dive in Conowingo, Maryland?
We went to Susquehanna state park and walked along the train tracks for quite a while but couldn’t find the spot. Any advice would be appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by $ wifty$
you have to go up 222 twords the PA line from the red light in conowingo and turn right onto old conowingo rd go thru the stop sign and the road turns into Pilottown Rd go to the next stop sign turn right go to ekman dr turn left onto it go until you go thru a 90 degree corner right past that there will be a feild to your left and then there is a dirt rd take that and go down to the woods
Wildcat cliffs is what your lookin for it will be off the your righ after you get into the woods
good luck finding it i had someone show me years ago where it is
where the cliffs are is owned by CSX railroad and they like to bust people there
its not the fall that kills you it’s the rocks at the bottom of the river
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