Scotland has some of the best jumping spots in the UK so we thought we would try a few of them out. The first few were into rivers and gorges and then we moved to the coast to try some cliffs. All locations were checked for depth using diving fins and mask. The largest jump was the A9 Bridge which we estimate to be 60-70 feet. The weather was amazing, the jumps were thrilling. It was about a thousand mile round trip from home but worth every penny. Ive just got back from a week away and the video is getting a lot of views. Not only that but THE SUN has absolutely slated it and us on their website. Quite frankly they have insulted us claiming we did not undergo this trip safely. We are not going to be used for crappy press stories, nor are we going to stand being called Twits. If this persists then the video is being deleted. It is here for entertainment only, not encouraging the sport in any way.

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