
Distance from parking-.4 miles
Rate of Fun-10
Location: West Milford New Jersey 07480 Off East Shore Road in the Awosting section of town
Where to Park: At the Bottom of East Shore Road where it meets Awosting Road their is a section to park for "hikers" (us) it is dirt/gravel. Upon leaving you car looking directly at East Shore Road to the Right is a Guard Rail Cross Awosting Road Safely looking both ways and jump over the guard rail. Doing so will put you right onto the first step of the trail. Trail size is about 3 people wide NOT HARD TO MISS. Follow that trail till you go down a little hill and you'll see a stream and come to an Left Or Right Intersection GO LEFT. There are two ways to go from there but the easiest is to FOLLOW THE STREAM. You'll then come to town landmarks of old water mills. Please be respectable and not trash the area nor vandalize the landmarks. Show some respect to the home of fellow jumpers. When you pass the first mill on its right side go to the left side of the other and go up a little hill of the trail. From their you're 200 feet away. Go straight the stream will be on your right. Follow the trail and you will hear the running of a water fall. THAT IS YOUR DESTINATION. There is a section to put your stuff on top of the jump site. Please be safe don't litter and have a great time!

Jump Stats



Nearest Address
Awosting Road And East Shore Road West Milford, NJ United States
street address
Awosting Road And East Shore Road
West Milford
New Jersey
United States



Four Brothers Falls West Milford

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